Dr. Jorge Martinez-Gil

Researcher and Senior Data Scientist

Jorge Martinez-Gil

Software Competence Center Hagenberg GmbH, Softwarepark 32a, A-4232, Hagenberg, Austria

jorge.martinez-gil [at] scch.at

Current Professional Responsibilities


Editorial Work

About Dr. Jorge Martinez-Gil

Dr. Jorge Martinez-Gil (Plasencia, Spain, 1983) is a computer scientist working in the Data and Knowledge Engineering field. He got his Ph.D. in Computer Science at the University of Malaga (Spain) in 2010. He has held several positions across some European countries: Austria, Germany, Spain as well as several research stays in several EU countries. He currently holds a research position within the department of Data Science at the Software Competence Center Hagenberg (SCCH) in Austria, where he manages several applied and fundamental research projects. Before joining SCCH, he held an acting professorship at the University of Extremadura at Caceres (Spain).

Publication Record

Dr. Martinez-Gil has authored more than 70 scientific publications, including 42 journal papers (35 as the first author) published in highly-ranked JCR journals like Knowledge and Information Systems, Information Systems Frontiers, Knowledge-Based Systems, Data and Knowledge Engineering, Artificial Intelligence Review, Knowl. Engineering Review, Cognitive Systems Research, SIGMOD Record, etc. and 16 CORE conferences (9 as the first author).


Dr. Martinez-Gil is currently in charge of the subject Big data and Cloud Computing within the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria at Hagenberg. He also supervises Bachelor's and Master's theses. Apart from that, Mr. Martinez-Gil holds more than 1,200 hours of teaching experience in different universities across the European Union: OTH Regensburg-DE (Knowledge Graphs), FH Kufstein-AT (Web Business), University of Balearic Islands-ES (Semantic Web), University of Extremadura-ES (Information Processing), etc.


Dr. Martinez-Gil is involved in evaluating scientific manuscripts, project proposals, and study programs. He has served as a reviewer, rapporteur, panel member, or chairman for more than 28 funding agencies including pan-European level (FP7, H2020, Horizon, ERA-NET, CHIST-ERA, COST, NGI), Austria, Finland, France, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Croatia, Czech Republic, Italy, Poland, Serbia, Latvia, Malta, etc. Concerning review activities, Dr. Martinez-Gil ranks second in WoS-Austria for the category of Computer Science with more than 380 reviews performed for top academic journals. Since August 2022, he is an Associate Editor of Expert Systems with Applications with the mission to maintain or improve the journal's impact factor.


Dr. Martinez-Gil received the Award for Best Academic Performance from the University of Extremadura in 2007 (Category: Sciences), and an Honorific Scholarship from the German DAAD in 2009.